I want to introduce your business, your services, to my entire network.  Who can I connect you to?

Over the last 14 years, I've connected;

  • A general contractor needed an electrician sub-contractor

  • A T-shirt printer needed a better supplier

  • A Clothing supplier wanted a larger warehouse space

  • 3 Sole Proprietors now office at WeWorks

  • Introduced a Robotics Start Up to 3 VCs

  • Referred staff (rugby players) to a restaurant

  • A new restaurant needed a general contractor for a commercial remodel

  • A client wanting a new logo, I hooked up with my graphics designer

  • Lighting company expanded to require a book-keeping service

  • Introduced a charity to a major donor

  • Connected a realtor and mortgage broker connect to run the market up here in Mill Valley

  • A PR executive wanted to learn about the transportation space, got her an expert

  • Connected an amateur sports association with a major beer sponsor

  • Connected a concrete contractor to a buildings owner

  • A architect helped another eatery with a remodel

  • A plumbing company expanded to the point of needing a mechanic to maintain her trucks

  • A gym need to remodel the locker rooms with new tile, connected them to the best!

  • ...and 100s more….

Over the next year, you’ll be receiving emails, mailers, newsletters and postcards from our various clients looking to connect with YOU!  To be a part, email us your logo and quick blurb of who you’re looking for!




Cascade Canyon's Kevin Sullivan Might Just Be the Most Interesting Insurance Guy in Mill Valley

"If I could make money playing rugby, I wouldn’t work," Cascade Canyon resident Kevin Sullivan says with a laugh. 

He's only half kidding.

But while rugby is a lifelong love (he teaches the game at San Quentin State Prison), Sullivan also readily admits that he owes the success of his Connor Alexander Sullivan Insurance Services – a crafty use of the first names of his two kids plus his last name – to the game he loves, at least in part. "I got started by helping a lot of my rugby mates, guys who are contractors, plumbers, electricians, tile guys, people who run restaurants," he says. 

"People who started their own business and think insurance is a four-letter word and wants it off their desk. I'm a business owner's insurance broker – the risk manager. I make sure your insurance works for you , protecting your business, your employees and your family when you need it most. Because an insurance policy that never pays out isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on."

A native of New Jersey, Sullivan moved to the Bay Area in 2004/ "I came out here kicking and screaming, but I loved it within six weeks. We have not yet been issued our official Mill Valley labrador retriever yet, though," he said.

While family, rugby and his insurance firm take up most of his time, he's also deeply interested in "getting young people into the trades," i.e., "when there’s 7 million high-skilled labor jobs just begging for a person to show up on time and work hard, it's a big deal. Teaching truckers to code is only said by people who don't know how to code."

PS: Big Announcement coming for March 15, and it ain't the Death of Caesar!

Drive for a living? We can get your wheels covered.

We have unique access to some of the best commercial vehicle rates in all California. No radius or unit count restrictions. New ventures welcome!

Does it have wheels? We want to see it.
Here are some sample types of vehicles we insure.


• Ag Haulers
• Car Carriers
• Caterers
• Cement Mixers
• Concrete Pumpers
• Contractors
• Couriers
• Custom Harvesters
• Dumping Operations
• Farm to Market
• Farmers
• Food Delivery
• Fuel Haulers
• Fuel Oil Haulers
• Grain Haulers
• House Movers
• Lawn & Tree Service
• Logging
•LPG, Butane & Propane Haulers
• Mobile Concessions
• Mobile Equipment
• Mobile Home Toters
• Moving Operations (no ICC filings)
• Pulpwood Haulers
• Salvage Haulers
• Specialized Delivery
• Snow Plows
• Tow Trucks
• Truckers Contingent Liability (Bobtail or Deadhead)
• Trucking
• Waste Oil Haulers
• Wholesalers & Manufacturers

Trucking Notes & Features
A broad cargo endorsement with multiple limits is available. A combined deductible is available. All risks with a principal garaging location in California falling into our Trucking for Hire class will be underwritten by a Berkshire Hathaway-owned agency, Pacific Gateway Insurance Agency.


• 4 Wheel Drive Tours
• Airport Shuttles
• Athlete Buses
• Bingo/Casino Transportation
• Charter Buses
• Church Buses
• Courtesy Autos
• Day Care Center Autos
• Dial-A-Ride
• Employee Transport
• Group Home Autos
• Head Start Program Autos
• Hotel Shuttles
• Kiddie Transport
• Limousines (All Types)
• Medical Courtesy Autos
• Metropolitan Buses
• Musician Buses
• Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
• Party Buses
• School Buses (Private or Public Owned)
• Senior Citizen Center Autos
• Sightseeing Buses
• Social Service Agencies
• Taxis
• Trolley Buses
• Visiting Nurses
• Wilderness Expeditions


• Bloodmobiles
• Driver Training Autos
• Emergency Ambulances
• Escort Vehicles for Oversized Trucking/Pilot Cars
• Fire Department Vehicles
• Funeral Vehicles
• Law Enforcement Vehicles
• Rental Operations
• Rescue Squads

Get in touch with Kevin for a quote if you drive any of the above!

Yes, we offer insurance for contractors!

We are often asked if we offer insurance for contractors such as roofers, painters, electricians, and more. Well, we've partnered with CRC and CRC Swett and are proud to bring you an exclusive and industry leading solution for your Small Contractors. CP25 provides the broadest coverage options in the marketplace, an A XV rated carrier, and industry leading claims service. CP25 delivers a program built to handle Commercial and Residential contracting risks with premiums from $5,000 to $25,000.

We are your friendly, local CRC broker and would be glad to get you started with policies starting at the low rates below.

Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 5.26.46 PM.png


  • Up to $10M Lead Excess Capacity Available
  • Minimum Premium Starting At $750



  • Primary Limits of $1M/$2M/$2M Defense Outside of Limits
  • Standard Deductible of $2,500 Built-In Contractors Pollution Liability Practice Policies Only
  • Minimum Premium: $5,000
  • 100% Commercial Risks: $5,000
  • Risks With Residential Exposure: $7,500
  • Risks in CD States With More Than 50%
  • New Residential Exposure: $10,000 Maximum Exposure: $10M Gross Sales


Contact us today for a free quote!

Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Organizations

Working with youth rugby organizations has been the most rewarding aspect of "giving back" to our rugby community.  The hard part:  the realities and risks, both inside and out, of youth organizations.  Today's #metoo movement beckons us to make all environments safe.

Praesidium Inc is available to all our insureds. If you volunteer in youth sports, or are connected to another non-profit, this webinar is for you.  

Introducing RainShine

When conceptualizing the first decentralized peer-to-peer insurance blockchain protocol, we were thinking we’d not only have to build the underlying platform but also run the first insurance Tide Pool. After all, it’s not uncommon for protocols and platforms to build their own proof-of-concept vertical as well. But shockingly the Tides team has been approached by several companies looking to launch their insurance product on top of our protocol. Or maybe it’s not so shocking, given the insurance industry’s problematic high barrier to entry and archaic technology.  

We were thrilled when a veteran insurer approached us to host their latest health insurance product. Their Tide Pool is aimed at the fastest growing, yet most underserved and underinsured market in the US -- the gig economy worker. Without the buying power of traditional employers, these independent freelancers, contractors, temp-workers, and solopreneurs who not only pay for coverage out-of-pocket, but are charged 2X more for health insurance on the independent market.

Hard-working US families have seen their premiums increase by 140% over a span of just five years, now averaging $18,000 annually. There are several catalysts to this, but one driving factor has been that catastrophic-only plans became outlawed per Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements. As of 2014, comprehensive coverage (i.e. a managed health plan for expected expenses) was a requirement of every insurance plan to those over 30 rather than lower cost catastrophic plans (i.e. opting to be covered simply in the case of emergencies).

2019 is a new year in United States healthcare; a year that brings back flexible options to health plans such as catastrophic-only coverage; a year that lowers costs by enabling risk-sharing across state lines; a year that gives “common-interest associations” the same buying power that -- until now -- employers have solely enjoyed. These are the new market conditions that give the first insurer on Tides.network the ability to launch a Tide Pool that serves this core demographic’s needs.

Introducing Rainshine Health & Disability Insurance

Rainshine is the first affordable parametric health & disability insurance offered in a peer-to-peer network for self-employed and gig economy workers. The carrier is unique in its approach to broaden coverage while keeping costs low with a three-in-one model. Their policy covers 1) health & injury conditions, 2) short term disability, and 3) long term disability. This is extremely important for gig economy workers, self-employed, and independent professionals for whom missing work due to sickness or injury means results in lost income. Additionally, Rainshine’s peer-to-peer model can return a portion of surplus unspent premiums back to members or roll them into the next policy term.

Rainshine’s method is one that only the blockchain and Tides can provide. Unlike traditional insurance, parametric insurance is a binary yes-or-no claim triggered by an adverse event, and multisig signoffs will release a single lump sum payment to cover the predetermined cost of care and lost income. Plus, the provenance of premiums paid, proof of funds & solvency, and peer-to-peer stake on memberships is natural blockchain transactional data. Tides.network handles the universal but costly traditional insurance operations -- including actuarial work, underwriting, claims, and payments -- and frees up carriers like Rainshine to concentrate on management and recruitment of members.

Started in the San Francisco Bay Area, Rainshine’s founders are Kevin Sullivan -- a 12-year insurance veteran and insurtech advisor to Plug And Play Tech Center who created six niche insurance products in amateur/youth sports, medical residents/fellows -- and disability risk management author and speaker, Maxwell Schmitz, who manages a disability & long term care insurance brokerage. He also developed a proprietary e-application system to circumvent draconian insurance customs.

The Rainshine duo is already in the process of state commissioner approval to launch their Tide Pool in January 2019 in California, one of the nation’s toughest health insurance markets, followed by other states throughout the US.

Our Tides team is extremely proud to launch the first product for such a growing segment of the market, who pay for coverage out-of-pocket and going broke by unnecessary cost burdens. We can’t wait to get Rainshine up and running on Tides.network.

Are You Too Small to be Hacked?

"Nobody is going to hack me.  I'm too small to be noticed." - Small Business Owner

Yes, you're right, Ms. Business Owner.  You are not ultimately the target.  TARGET(the corp) is the Target.

In fact, that's what happened:  a contractor who did work for a TARGET store was hacked and the hackers waited for that contractor to access the payables system to submit their work invoice.  BOOM, TARGET is hacked.

But they came through you, Small Business Owner, because you thought:

"Nobody is going to hack me.  I'm too small to be noticed."

GDPR is a big hubbabaloo about Gov't requirements to protect data.  Read about that HERE and grab the free resources

Adding Cyber, Tech E&O to your insurance is easy.  Getting sued by your own customer because you let a hacker into them, through you, is hard.

That's because you're not Nobody.  You're just small enough to hack into...

Data Privacy and You

From our good friends at RPS: The European Union has enacted a comprehensive and far-reaching data privacy initiative, (GDPR). It contains massive penalties for noncompliance and is set to go into effect soon.

What do the initials "GDPR" stand for?

"General Data Protection Regulation" (www.eugdpr.org)

My Clients are all based in the United States. Do we care about this?

Yes.  Even if the company does not have a business in the EU, the regulation can apply if:

  • The business offers goods or services to EU subjects regardless of whether payment is required.
  • The business monitors the behavior of EU subjects. (Clicking on social media links, analyzing marketing likes/dislikes)
  • The business stores and holds the personal data of EU subjects.

Can you give me a quick idea of what this new law is about?

The GDPR unifies data protection laws for “Personal Data” across the European Union with the intention of strengthening privacy rights of consumers. It imposes hefty fines on companies that don’t comply. The GDPR has many requirements, but here are the primary ones:

  • The personal data you collect must be "minimized, accurate and portable".

  • You need to obtain informed consent from a EU consumer before collecting, storing or using their personal data.

  • Their personal data must be “provably deleted” if the consumer so chooses.

What does the new law consider "Personal Data"?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Photo
  • Email Address
  • Financial information
  • Healthcare information
  • The law also includes data that could indirectly identify an individual (racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc.)

Who is affected?

Any US business that offers goods or services to customers in the European Union or holds any personal data on European Union subjects.

When does this new law take effect?

May 25, 2018

What does GDPR say a business must do if they are the victim of a data breach?

The GDPR requires that companies notify individuals of a breach of their personal data. Notification must include:

  • The name and contact information of the company’s data protection officer
  • The anticipated consequences of the breach
  • Any measures taken by the company to remedy or mitigate the breach


What are the penalties if a US business doesn’t comply with GDPR?

Monetary penalty is 20 Million Euros or 4% of a company’s annual revenue, whichever is greater.


What should US businesses do now?

Here is a great resource: www.dacbeachcroft.com And - if your client has not purchased a comprehensive Cyber Liability policy for their business, they should be doing so now. If they have purchased Cyber Liability, please ensure that the carrier is covering GDPR fines/penalties.

If you want a "white knight" assessment of you cyber security, contact Kevin and he'll set you up with a security audit.

Usage Based Insurance for Fleets

“Why do my auto rates keep going up, even though NONE of my employees got in any accidents last year?”

That’s because you’re paying for other companies bad drivers.  We want to change that, to make it more fair.

Here at ConSulinsurance.com were working with a carrier and a tech start-up to create a usage based insurance (UBI) program for livery, public auto, fleets, and trucking.  [we can currently write policies for any car based gig economy app]. Instead of the standard, high rate, low coverage commercial auto policy, the business owner will get weekly driver safety reports, comparisons across similar fleets, a monthly audited insurance bill based on mileage and safety, and identification of problem drivers.  

You’ve heard of BIG DATA.  We want to use Big Data as a loss CONTROL tool, making insurance an interactive part of your business, instead of a financial arrangement dictated by too many opaque rules.

A UBI insurance system is fair.  A few years back, a contractor’s employee was driving with his knees, while eating and texting.  Losing control of the van, he hit two parked cars to his right, crossed both lanes of traffic, and hit a third parked car across the street.  That third struck car, bumped the curb, and struck a pedestrian. $2,500,000 claim, BOOM. This accident nearly destroyed the contractor’s company, and he was forced to fire multiple employees, and shrink operations, to survive the financial hit.

For fun math’s sake:  If that contractor paid $25,000 per year for his commercial auto policy, only after a 100 years would the insurance company recover that loss.  This was a preventable accident, not some fluke. Insurance should cover the unpreventable, unforeseen event. Insurance should not be used to cover stupidity.  Especially, on the backs of good safe companies.

From whom did you think they actually got that money from?  Is that fair?

Putting the business owner in control of the company safety, in a proactive, behavioral and cultural manner, will not only save that business insurance costs, but also create efficiencies and lower maintenance costs.  Imagine the boost to the bottom line!

Check back here from time to time, as we’ll update you to our progress