I want to introduce your business, your services, to my entire network. Who can I connect you to?
Over the last 14 years, I've connected;
A general contractor needed an electrician sub-contractor
A T-shirt printer needed a better supplier
A Clothing supplier wanted a larger warehouse space
3 Sole Proprietors now office at WeWorks
Introduced a Robotics Start Up to 3 VCs
Referred staff (rugby players) to a restaurant
A new restaurant needed a general contractor for a commercial remodel
A client wanting a new logo, I hooked up with my graphics designer
Lighting company expanded to require a book-keeping service
Introduced a charity to a major donor
Connected a realtor and mortgage broker connect to run the market up here in Mill Valley
A PR executive wanted to learn about the transportation space, got her an expert
Connected an amateur sports association with a major beer sponsor
Connected a concrete contractor to a buildings owner
A architect helped another eatery with a remodel
A plumbing company expanded to the point of needing a mechanic to maintain her trucks
A gym need to remodel the locker rooms with new tile, connected them to the best!
...and 100s more….
Over the next year, you’ll be receiving emails, mailers, newsletters and postcards from our various clients looking to connect with YOU! To be a part, email us your logo and quick blurb of who you’re looking for!