"If I could make money playing rugby, I wouldn’t work," Cascade Canyon resident Kevin Sullivan says with a laugh.
He's only half kidding.
But while rugby is a lifelong love (he teaches the game at San Quentin State Prison), Sullivan also readily admits that he owes the success of his Connor Alexander Sullivan Insurance Services – a crafty use of the first names of his two kids plus his last name – to the game he loves, at least in part. "I got started by helping a lot of my rugby mates, guys who are contractors, plumbers, electricians, tile guys, people who run restaurants," he says.
"People who started their own business and think insurance is a four-letter word and wants it off their desk. I'm a business owner's insurance broker – the risk manager. I make sure your insurance works for you , protecting your business, your employees and your family when you need it most. Because an insurance policy that never pays out isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on."
A native of New Jersey, Sullivan moved to the Bay Area in 2004/ "I came out here kicking and screaming, but I loved it within six weeks. We have not yet been issued our official Mill Valley labrador retriever yet, though," he said.
While family, rugby and his insurance firm take up most of his time, he's also deeply interested in "getting young people into the trades," i.e., "when there’s 7 million high-skilled labor jobs just begging for a person to show up on time and work hard, it's a big deal. Teaching truckers to code is only said by people who don't know how to code."
PS: Big Announcement coming for March 15, and it ain't the Death of Caesar!